Life is Simple

Actually your Life is Simple...
So, Let's make your Life Simpler with Me... :)

Jumat, 01 Juni 2012

Funny Story


A cowboy thug on horseback stopped at an old town. Coincidence the old town was inhabited by former thief who still likes stole things owned by foreigners. As usual the cowboy on his horse tethered outside the bar, then went into the bar. He ordered a glass of cold beer and drank until exhausted. Later he came out to continue the journey. Not unexpectedly his horse which had just left  was dissapear.

Obviously the cowboy gots angry. He went back inside the bar and shouted.

"Who stole MY HORSE !!!!!!!"

No one answered. All visitors pretended not to know.

"I asked again! Who stole MY HORSE? ", shouted the cowboy.

The conditions inside the bar was deserted. Some bar patrons became restless. 
Finally the cowboy said, 
"Okay. . . I will drink again a glass of beer. After that I will be leaving this beer. Until then if my horse back yet. . . caution! I will ever repeat what I do in Texas. Forced will I do that although I do not really like that! "

Hearing the threat of cowboy, some people began to stand up from the table and ran away from the bar with the fear. With his quiet, the cowboy ordered a glass of beer, then he came out and turned the horse was already in place.

The bartender ran to the cowboy and said, "Well sir ... Your horse is came back. Thankfully no bloodshed here. Forgive us for the effrontery of this city. "

"Yes ... never mind ... next time do not let it happen again ...", answered the cowboy then he mounted his horse.

The bartender had asked the koboy, "Sir ... sir .. Allowed to know what you have done in the Texas?? "

"Ooohhhh ... Do you want to know? When in the Texas .. I WENT HOME ON FOOT. ", said the cowboy and then ran away from that place.


Just joke! 

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